Who decides what's in the dictionary? wow, that was probably one of my more exciting questions to start this Blog with so we're going to talk about this today. And I promise I'm going to do my best to make this really interesting maybe but if you want to learn how these Works stay tuned because that's what we're talking about. But back to the blog.
While the concept of a dictionary dates back to ancient civilizations the first English dictionary was published by Robert caught rein 1604 in the centuries that followed many more dictionaries, Which with a lofty goal to give the United States its own version of the English language. He believed that as a new nation the United States needed its own distinct version of English to assert its independence from Britain. in his dictionary Webster sought to describe official eyes the way Americans spoke most dictionaries in Webster's time were prescriptive. They dictated how words should be used rather than documenting the way people actually used language in daily life when Webster broke this convention and included slang word in his dictionary critics accused him of polluting the English language, but he argued that these words captured local variations of the language of a vital part of what made American English unique. He also believed spelling rules were unnecessarily complex and that we should write the way we speak.
As much as possible still Webster's own opinions influenced the words he included and the way he defines them. He excluded slang words from black communities because he didn't consider them properly and when he defined woman, he added that women are soft mild pitiful, and flexible by the time of his death Noah Webster was a household name seeing a lucrative business opportunity Brothers George and Charles Miriam bought the rights to Webster's Dictionary together with Webster's son-in-law the Maryam's made a new revised Edition. It was the beginning of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary today Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Canary begins to address a contradiction in Webster's goal. He wanted to represent an entire nation, but he based his work on just one person's opinion is um since Webster's death each new edition of the dictionary has been curated by a group of language experts rather than by a single Authority the current criteria for including a word. word in the dictionary are that it has widespread sustained and meaningful use this clearly includes profanities., which were sometimes excluded from dictionaries in the past racial slurs also meet the criteria for inclusion, but some argue that including them might legitimize them dictionaries. Don't just add new words.
They also redefined bold words to reflect changing attitudes and usage one 1736 dictionary defined wife as a married woman. Whose will in the Judgment of the law is subject to the will of her husband for which reason a wife is said to have no will today wife is defined simply as a Female partner in marriage in 2019. Merriam-Webster's Word of the year was they the word has been in regular use for centuries but has only recently gained a new recognized meaning as a pronoun for one person whose gender identity is non-binary the question of which words belonging in the dictionary. three impacts all of us when our words and definitions are represented. They are affirmed. If not, they and we are minimized today lexicographers have expanded word sourcing to include the dictionaries users tracking which words are most searched and adding them to the dictionary. So who decides what's in the dictionary more than ever before the answer is we do all of us shaped language every day when we collectively embrace one word for redefine another eventually those words and meanings are reflected in our dictionaries.
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