When is a pandemic over?

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When is a pandemic over? wow, that was probably one of my more exciting questions to start this Blog with so we're going to talk about this today. And I promise I'm going to do my best to make this really interesting maybe but if you want to learn how these Works stay tuned because that's what we're talking about. But back to the blog.

Consider this unfortunately familiar scenario several months ago a highly infectious. Sometimes deadly respiratory virus-infected humans for the first time then proliferated faster than public health measures could contain it now the World Health Organization has declared a pandemic meaning that is spreading worldwide. The death toll is starting to rise and everyone is asking the same question. When will the pandemic and the who will likely declare the pandemic over once the infection is mostly contained and rates of transmission drop significantly. We throughout the world, but exactly when that happens depends on what Global government's choose to do next. 

They have three main options race through it delay and vaccinate or coordinate and crushed one is widely considered best and it may not be the one you think in first governments and communities do nothing to Halt the spread and instead allow people to be exposed as quickly as possible without time to study the virus, dr. Know little about how to save their patients and hospitals reach Peak capacity almost immediately somewhere in the range of millions to hundreds of millions of people died either from the virus or the collapse of Health soon the majority of people have been infected and he's a perished or survived by building up their immune responses around this point herd immunity kicks in with a virus could no longer find new hosts. So the pandemic Fizzles out a short time after it began, but there's another way to create herd immunity without such a high cost of life. Let's reset the clock to the moment the who declared the pandemic this time governments and communities around the world slow the spread of the virus to give research facilities time to produce a vaccine. They buy this crucial time through tactics. It may include widespread testing to identify carriers corn. meaning the infected and people they've interacted with and physical distancing even with these measures in place. 

The virus is slowly spreads causing up to hundreds of thousands of deaths some cities get the outbreak under control and go back to business as usual only to have a Resurgence and return to physical distancing when a new case passes through within the next several years one or possibly several vaccines become widely and hopefully freely available. Thanks to a worldwide effort once 40 to 90 percent of the population has receded the precise amount varying based on the virus herd immunity kicks in and the pandemic Fizzles out.

Let's rewind the clock one more time to consider the final strategy coordinate and crush. The idea here is to simultaneously starve the virus everywhere through a combination of quarantine social distancing and restricting travel. The critical factor is to synchronize responses in a typical pandemic when one country is peaking another may be getting its first cases instead of every leader responding to what's happening in their jurisdiction here. Everyone must treat the world as the giant interconnected system it is if coordinated properly this could end up endemic in just a few months with load loss of life, but unless the virus is Completely eradicated which is highly unlikely. There will be risks of an escalating to pandemic levels once again at factors like animals carrying and transmitting the virus might undermine our best efforts all together. So which strategy is best for this deadly infectious respiratory virus racing through it is a quick fix, but would be a global catastrophe and may not work at all if people can be reinfected crushing the virus through coordination alone is also enticing for its speed but only reliable with true and nearly impossible Global cooperation. That's why vaccination assisted by his much Global coordination as possible.

Is generally considered to be the winner. It's the slowest. Teddy and proven option in a race, even if the pandemic officially ends before a vaccine is ready the virus May reappear seasonally so vaccines will continue to protect people and although it may take years to create disruptions to most people's lives won't necessarily last the full duration breakthroughs in treatment and prevention of symptoms can make virus is much less dangerous and therefore require less extreme containment measures. Take heart the pandemic will end its Legacy will be long lasting but not all that. The breakthroughs social services and systems. We develop can be used for the betterment of everyone and if Take inspiration from the successes and lessons from the failures. We can keep the next potential pandemic so contained that our children's children won't even know its name. Humanity has conquered deadly plagues before the smallpox virus killed 300 million people in the 20th century alone, but has since been eradicated.

See I told you it was going to be interesting. Maybe hopefully that was interesting. Otherwise, I don't know why you're still here : ) but we have more articles that you could probably click on right here. That might be interesting or there's probably do you keep you just tired of seeing this article? You could click over to the right? It's probably other people's blogs but Enjoy your day. Thanks for learning about this will see you next time.

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