How Dogs became Man's Best Friend?

Dogs and human

How Dogs became Man's Best Friend? wow, that was probably one of my more exciting questions to start this Blog with so we're going to talk about this today. And I promise I'm going to do my best to make this really interesting maybe but if you want to learn how these Works stay tuned because that's what we're talking about. But back to the blog.

dogs have a special place in our lives whether it's waiting at the door when they know you're coming to a wagging and happily barking when excited for food., we can always count on our faithful companions to cheer us up. They live with us, play with us, and even sleep with us. They've not only become best friends but have also inspired Us in numerous different ways Cinema art and even music How did it once fearsome votes like animal evolved over to become beloved members of our family? How did it happen that the species that only answer the call of the wife started listening to the children of Eve? These dogs may not look similar, but if you trace their lineage has far enough back in time. All dogs share the same ancestor. The wild was variables and dogs diverse from extinct volts be she's some 40,000 years ago our partnership with the canines dates back Centuries with estimates ranging from 10,000 to 30,000 years.

dogs and human

And have proved to be better than fellow humans on multiple occasions. Well, we don't actually know why humans domesticated. What was essentially a wild carnivore is a competitor in the food chain. We do know that once that relationship was established humans were selecting very rapidly for the most sociable volts because well, you know, we humans have a tendency to form societies based on certain attributes a new study reveals. reveals how people and dogs actually have a similar genetic makeup surprising right as it turns out we share a similar chromosome with our fur babies. It was just covered that the dogs had a part of a chromosome that the worlds were missing this section of chromosome contains unusual genetic materials that are related to a dog's desire for human company and contact. it's like humans mark their territory on

Probably the most effective level the jeans. What was interesting about this study is not the differences between Wolves and the domesticated dogs, but rather how similar dogs and humans might be to put it simply the same gene. That makes dog domestic makes Human Social this suggests that perhaps the Wolves then says sought out human company or at least that humans. encourage the social behavior of wolves that already showed some desire for human contact or to be a part of the human settlement that provided fire and scrap bones survival of the friendliest. I guess if early humans came into contact with the wolves that had a personality of being interested in them and only lived with and bread those primitive dogs,. They would have exaggerated the treat of being social in the dog gene pool. So essentially it's

dogs and human

Those that we did not domesticated dogs dogs domesticated themselves. Wait, so who was playing and we would think play damn this is tricky, but of course there was a payoff in man and the team's rules becoming a dynamic hunting tool human skills combined with wolves speed and sense of smell turn them into complimentary Partners who tracked and captured prey to their Mutual benefit humans offered rules fired in a reliable food source. tame wolves provided physical warmth and acted as early warning centuries when strangers are predators approached over the years the animals that accepted this relationship evolves into more and more obedient companions until many generations later. We had finally domesticated dogs and their Federal grave of phobias died out the research also revealed that the genetic patterns of the spread of dogs over the planet were almost similar to at of humans, which means that humans were accompanied by the domesticated dogs, wherever they moved and shifted who then evolved I wonder what you Wawa's useful. However, most dog breeds. We recognize today were developed only in the last 150 years ignited by what we now call the Victorian explosion when dog breeding intensified and expanded in Great Britain. mostly for beauty pageant purposes. Ohat's word. Over the years dogs have evolved to understand human Expressions better than even our closest Cousins. They understand normal human body language like pointing quite easily as opposed to chimps who need training to do that. They can connect words and objects more clearly than other animals and just like votes can sense when a pack member is sad lonely or tired dogs. have a surprisingly high level of emotional intelligence. Not only Do they understand human feelings, but they also react differently to different emotions and not just dogs the companionship between them and the humans has led to the Mutual evolution of both species something as simple as petting your dog releases oxytocin-the love chemical which increases our overall sense of being even Mutual gazing between dogs and humans bonds them and secretes oxytocin. Just like it bonds people in their non for children relationships in other mammals between mom and child or between mates also does feature oxytocin bonding, but the human-dog example is the only case in which it has been observed between two different species.

No matter if you're a dog person or consider the dog man's best friend or not. They definitely are oldest friends. Perhaps just a result of a solitary Hunter befriending an injured foot.

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